An oil immersed transformer is often found in a large range of commercial situations and also by regional power and utility concerns as they provide electricity to us at home (or at work too). Generally they are built to be placed outside and normally contain a very high voltage output. The advantage of the lubricant inside the unit is that it when in use it acts as an insulator and a coolant allowing the system to work more effectively. The lubricant works its way around and effectively works to reduce the overall temperature (which can get very high) and therefore increases the performance of the parts and results in a better overall implementation of the system. They can also handle an overload of thirty per cent with no problems, they are usually very reliable and can handle many years of operations without creating faults and at a reasonable low cost. As well as producing energy, the oil immersed transformer consumes energy as well. Ideally it would consume as low a level of energy as possible in order to be as efficient as possible. Generally this is done at the design phase as losses can be diminished as a result of the creativity of the engineer at this point. The performance features also play a part in this area of operations. These areas also have an effect on the overload status and the general features of this type of unit make it the most lenient and effective type available on the market. It is because of this efficiency that compared to a few types of non-lubricated units they can genuinely pay for themselves over a long period because of the far lower rate of energy losses. The cost of the energy losses compared to dry units creates a huge saving, but also usually they work out cheaper in their up-front costs as well. An oil immersed transformer can operate with higher power ratings and higher voltage applications than a cast resin market version of the same unit. Traditionally a high quality mineral-oil is used for outdoor units that have to stand up to the weather. Mineral-oil is very flammable and so cannot be used with indoor units. Overall, the oil type transformer is the best solution for any situation that requires high voltage as well being installed outside. The lubricant allows the unit to run at far higher tolerances as well as much more reliably and far more cost effective. If you want a unit with a lower up front cost, lower running costs, have the space to install it outside and also lower maintenance costs as well, then this is clearly the unit for you.